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September 22, 2023

The Bittersweet Truth: How Sugar Affects Your Oral Health

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Donald Marks @ 3:55 pm
A woman eating candy unaware of its effect on her oral health

The relationship between sugar and oral health is no secret – it’s often painted as a threat by toothpaste ads and dentists alike. But is this justified, and does it mean total abstinence from sugar is the only way to achieve a healthy smile?

Continue reading to learn the complexities of sugar and its impact on your teeth.


August 18, 2023

Understanding Tooth Preparation for Crowns from Start to Finish

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Donald Marks @ 2:23 pm
A dentist placing a dental crown for coloring

If you’ve been indulging in all that the world has to offer, you may have a cavity or two. If you’ve neglected your dental health as well, chances are you may have at least one severely decayed tooth. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that as much as 29 percent of people have severe decay in their teeth. Dental crowns are the answer to this.

If you fit into this statistic, you may need a dental crown, but what is the process like? Continue reading to find out.


July 5, 2023

Can Dental Implants Suffer From Corrosion?

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Donald Marks @ 5:33 am
model of a dental implant

Dental implants have a level of durability that can sometimes be a little bit hard to believe. When people hear that over 95% of them last for 20 years, and that many of them last a lifetime, it sometimes comes as a massive shock.

People often have questions about whether their dental implants could run into problems. For example, some patients wonder whether they should be worried about their dental implants rusting. Here’s what you should know about that possibility.


June 15, 2023

Things Your Dentist NEVER Puts in Their Mouth (& Why)

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Donald Marks @ 1:00 pm
Woman looking concerned and biting her nails

Keeping your teeth and gums healthy requires a solid oral hygiene regimen, which starts with visiting your dentist every six months for a checkup and extends to consistently brushing and flossing at home. However, those aren’t the only ways you can help prevent tooth decay, gum disease, and even serious dental emergencies. To avoid dental damage, you should also follow your dentist’s lead. For example, here are a few things your dentist never puts in their mouth.


April 5, 2023

3 Cases that Prove DIY Dentistry is a Bad Idea

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Donald Marks @ 9:23 pm
super glue lying on a table

Dealing with a dental emergency is never fun, but even if you’re in pain, the least you can do is to not make your situation any worse. Unfortunately, even that can be too much more for some people.

Some people will do anything to avoid the dentist, and oftentimes their DIY treatment only makes matters worse. Here are some dental emergencies that didn’t have to be as bad as they turned out to be. Word of warning: some of these cases are a little graphic.


February 8, 2023

Why a Toothache Can Get Worse at Night

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Donald Marks @ 10:19 am
A young woman with a toothache

Dealing with a toothache can be really annoying. Often enough, the pain starts unexpectedly and occurs at inconvenient times. What’s really tiresome, though, is that it can worsen at night. Indeed, a toothache often gets more intense right as you turn in. As for why that occurs, your State College dentist is here with some answers. Read on, then, to learn why tooth pain can get worse at night and what you can do to stop it.


December 15, 2022

Creating a Dental Emergency Kit

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Donald Marks @ 6:23 pm

Molar and first aid kitIf your home is like many in America, you probably don’t have a dental emergency kit handy. While you may never expect it to happen to you, 1 in 6 Americans has a dental emergency annually. A friendly game of football or eating popcorn at the movies can lead to a broken tooth. No matter the issue, time is of the utmost importance. It’s best to plan for the unexpected to save valuable time until you can get to an emergency dentist. Here’s what to include in your dental emergency first aid kit to make a stressful situation a little easier.


November 27, 2022

Chipped Tooth? 4 Tips to Save Your Smile

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Donald Marks @ 12:55 am

Digital model of chipped front toothYour teeth are protected by the hardest substance in your body. Enamel is the outer layer of a tooth that protects the underlying dentin and pulp. Although it’s stronger than some metals, a blow to the mouth or biting a popcorn kernel can break a tooth. If the unexpected should happen, don’t panic! Here are 4 things you should do for a chipped tooth.


October 10, 2022

2 Drinks That Can Help You Prevent Cavities

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Donald Marks @ 1:08 am
hands holding cup of coffee

Roughly 90% of adults aged 20 or older have had at least one cavity according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Since you are likely part of the majority, you know how frustrating it can be to have a sensitive or painful tooth. Things like brushing twice and flossing once per day can help prevent cavities, but there are some other ways to keep cavities at bay that may surprise you. Read on to learn about two beverages that can help you prevent cavities.


September 20, 2022

6 Warning Signs of an Impacted Wisdom Tooth

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Donald Marks @ 12:40 am
illustration of impacted wisdom tooth

Third molars, which are also called wisdom teeth, are the last adult teeth to erupt. They usually come in sometime between a person’s late teens and early twenties. Though some people’s wisdom teeth emerge without any issues, impacted wisdom teeth are not uncommon. Fortunately, your dentist can help. Read on to learn about what causes this, signs that you have an impacted wisdom tooth, and how to treat it.

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